The page formatting for Portrait of an Artist is intended for US Concert 9 x 12 inch printing. A margin of 5/8 of an inch is maintained around every border of the music. To print Concert size format, you will need to cut down large format paper to produce 9 x 12 and/or 12 x 18 sheets, or purchase it custom cut to size.

If you choose to print US Letter 8.5 x 11 inch format, you will need to reduce the page scaling to 91%. Note that the resulting music is 9% smaller than intended and not as easy to read at distance, but still OK for good eyes. Because 9 x 12 is a narrower format than 8.5 x 11, when printing 8.5 x 11 there will be more margin space on the sides than on the top and bottom.

9 x 12 Separate Sheet Printing

Download the PDF file containing all 4 pages. Set up a custom 9 x 12 page format within your printing software. Set the page scaling to 100%. Print single side or front and back on 9 x 12 sheets of paper.

9 x 12 Booklet Printing

  1. Download the 2 PDF files containing pages 4 and 1 and pages 2 and 3
  2. Set up a custom 12 x 18 page format within your printing software
  3. Set the page scaling to 100%
  4. Set the page orientation to landscape and page format to 12 x 18
  5. Print pages 4 and 1 together on 12 x 18 paper
  6. Print pages 2 and 3 together on the back side of 4 and 1

8.5 x 11 Separate Sheet Printing

If you are using Adobe Reader to print from, you will likely have to set up a custom 8.5 x 11 page format with special printer margins in order to achieve the desired 91% scaling and proper centering. Start with the following printer margin settings:
  • zero left and top
  • 0.25 in. right
  • 0.08 in. bottom
Select Page Scaling: Reduce to Printer Margins. Adobe Reader should indicate 91% zoom and print a properly centered page.

If you use Preview on the Mac, set the scaling to 91%, forget the margins, and let her rip.

Windows users...good luck.

8.5 x 11 Booklet Printing

There will be more space on the outside left and right margins than the inside left and right margins of the double wide sheets due to the format differences between Concert and Letter, and nothing can be done about that. Follow the instructions for 9 x 12 Booklet printing above, setting the page scaling to 91% and substituting 11 x 17 page format.

Other Page Sizes

If you live outside the US and want to print on a different size paper common to your area, divide the height of your paper by 12 inches (30.48 cm) and apply the resulting scaling factor to your page set up. Zero the top and bottom printer margins if your printer over shrinks the music. Adjust the right and/or left printer margins as needed to achieve proper centering.

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